
Monday, June 6, 2011

Cause Mesothelioma

Recognize Mesothelioma-In general, cancer occurs when cells mutate DNA. These mutations make the cells continued to grow and thrive while others have normal cell cycles of life and death. Accumulation of cancer cells can form a malignant tumor.

It is unclear what causes the genetic mutation that triggers the beginning of mesothelioma even though scientists have identified the factors that can increase the risk. Cancer may occur due to a combination of several factors, such as heredity, environment, health condition and lifestyle.

Benign pleural mesothelioma
Benign tumors that form in the chest sometimes called benign (benign) mesothelioma. But the term is misleading. Benign mesothelioma is not started on the same cell where the cancer is formed. And in some cases kacil, benign mesothelioma can be very aggressive. For this reason, some doctors now prefer to call this tumor as a solitary fibrous tumor.

Solitary fibrous tumors usually do not cause signs and symptoms. It is unclear what caused the solitary fibrous tumor, but these tumors associated with asbestos contamination pollutants. Treatment for solitary fibrous tumors usually includes surgery procedures.


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