
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cheapest Drugs For Mesothelioma

Mesothelomia Treatment-Mesothelioma is a disease most common type of cancer arising in the pleura or lining around the lungs. Can also occur along the stomach lining and heart. So far, we know that all types of cancer, including Mesothelioma Cancer can only be treated with chemo therapy.

However, this perception seems to be removed and disposed of as far as possible. Why? Because there are actually a natural remedy to kill cancer cells that power ten thousand times more potent than the chemo therapy.

Soursop fruit
But, Why We Do not Know?

Because one of the secret world of research findings on this subject as close-dense, they want to fund research on a very large spend, over the years, may return in advance plus generous benefits in a way to make Synthetic Graviola tree as raw material for medicine and medicine in sell to the world market.

Concern, several people have died in vain, pathetic, because the malignancy of cancer, while the giant companies, the drug maker with a turnover of billions of dollars sealed secret wonders of this tree.

The tree is short, in Brazil named "Graviola", in Spanish "Guanabana" the English language "soursop". In Indonesia, "Sirsak". Spiny fruit is soft, white flesh, taste sweet, sour or acid, eaten with the skin or the way open for the juice.

Efficacy of soursop fruit provides anti-tumor or cancer effect is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti fungi (fungi), effective against many types of parasites or worms, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good.

One example of how important the existence of the Institute for Health Science Institute of American society is revealing the secrets of this magical fruit. Astonishing fact is: far amazon jungle hinterland, grow "magic tree", which will change the way you think, your doctor, and the world about the healing process of cancer and hope to survive. No one can promise more than this, for the times to come.


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