
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Asbestos Mesothelioma-Asbestos consists of very fine silicate fibers. Asbestos was used because it has many good properties, such as can not be burned, both for electrical isolation, no rot, has a mechanical strength, and easily mixed with inorganic or organic solvents. During this time asbestos was used in a 3000 products, including flooring materials, asbestos-cement plates, chemical building materials, textiles, brake linings and clutch.

Definition, Clinical, Diagnosis and Management of asbestosis

His influence on health depending on the size of the fiber (length <5 / 1000 mm, diameter <3 / 1000 mm). Asbestos can cause chronic lung disease (asbestose), lung cancer, and mesothelioma (lining of the chest and abdominal tumor). The period between contact of asbestos until the disease appears is between 20-40 years. The younger the person, the longer the loading of asbestos and the higher the concentration, so the higher the risk of occurrence of the disease.


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